How this all began

Hi, I’m Kelsey. I grew up in Cincinnati and went to Ohio University for an undergraduate degree in History before getting my Masters in Nursing at Xavier University. After having my three children in three and a half years, I left the nursing field to be home with my babies. I have always loved design, rearranging furniture, and obsessively organizing. But what made me happiest was creating spaces that had function and form. As a mother, I learned very quickly that function needs to come before form, however, that does not mean form needs to be sacrificed. There is a balance and I love finding that balance.

Heart, Mind, Home grew from the sense of peace and strength I experienced in my heart after finding the will and the way to reclaim my home after years of living in “survival mode.” For me, I surfaced when my youngest was a 4-year-old. As my mind cleared, I realized I didn’t feel in control of my home. In fact, the roles were completely reversed. I was at the mercy of time, toys, and toddlers. My cousin, a mother of four, once said, “I just want to move out of my house, then move back in.” She wanted a do-over. A new start. That particular approach is a bit daunting. But if you can just focus on one room, one closet, one shelf at a time… That is totally doable.